Thoughts From The Wells

Welcome to a Northern Girl's Take on Things

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hope you're having a wonderful love day - love for your spouse, love for your kids, love for anything - heck, even love for that big piece of chocolate sitting between you and the remote control!!  (That would be me I'm talking about - hubby is on the other couch on his laptop).  We had a nice dinner (roast and french fries - we are all about the classy food for special occasions!), some chocolate fun, and even a cake that we decorated today - there's always a reason for cake!

So, in honor of this "jour de l'amour", I have the official valentine's day quiz extraordinaire!!  (Not really, but play along anyway!)

1.  What would your ideal gift be from your lovie?

 My ideal gift would be a day without any work around the house.  Sleeping in, having breakfast made for me (and I wouldn't care how messy the kitchen got because he would do the dishes), an afternoon to go out shopping, or play on the net, or do some writing or whatever I wanted.  Supper made for me, again no clean up required on my part, and nice long bath, a great chick flick movie, and then off to bed in freshly laundered sheets and duvet.  Sigh....oh, and the biggest part of the day would be not having to deal with screaming kids! 

2.  They say that when you're really in love, you'd give your life for that person.  But, would you give your last chocolate (or whatever you have a hard time giving away)?

My last piece of chocolate?  No way.  And, he knows it.  He doesn't ask for it any more.

3.  What is one thing you would change about your love?

I wish he could dance.  I don't mean, get on the dance floor and get down to Beyonce or Cee Lo - I mean really dance with class, waltzing, two step, wedding dance kind of dance.  My hubby has no rhythm.  He thinks he does.  He also thinks he can sing.  In fact, the other day, he was telling me he can sing as good as Elvis.  riiiiiight....

4.  What is one thing you would never change?

I would never change the way he is devoted to his family.  He loves his kids like no other Daddy, and would do anything for all of us.  His heart is only for his family, and I will probably never know how lucky I am to have someone's heart like that.

5.  What is a funny quirk he/she has?

He makes up words.  And he thinks they are real, or they should be real.  For example:

Bandwaggoneer - not just a bandwaggoner, this person is the leader of people jumping on the band wagon.

Suffercate - this word makes total sense to him - when you suffocate, you definitely suffer.

Now - your turn.  Share.  3-2-1 Go!!

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